Robert M. Lucas

Realizing the Public Value of Learning

Teaching and Service


Teacher Mentor – Center to Support Excellence in Teaching – 2012-2013
Mentoring beginning middle and high school history/social studies teachers through California’s Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment program and CSET’s Content Specific Mentoring Program.

Course Assistant – Doctoral Proseminar – 2010-2011
Led discussions, planned instruction, and provided feedback on student papers in introductory doctoral sequence.

6th Grade Teacher – Edwards Middle School –  2003-2005
Taught social studies to a full spectrum of learners at Edwards Middle School, Rocky Mount, NC; Sponsored school academic team (Quiz Bowl, National Geographic Bee); Developed online curriculum-sharing website.

Guest teacher and Board Member – Harvard Program for International Education – 1999-2003
Taught classes in international issues to high school classes around the Boston area (7 to 8 classes per semester, throughout college); Authored curriculum; Hosted bi-annual Model UN-style conferences for participating students; Served two years as executive board member—one as teacher improvement coordinator and one as school liaison.

Curriculum Development

Postdoctoral Scholar – Center to Support Excellence in Teaching – 2012-2013
Developing curriculum and professional development for fourth grade geography teachers in partnership with National Geographic. Collaborating with teachers at Adelante Spanish-English Immersion School in Redwood City, CA.

Consultant – – 2009-2010
Assembled first open source digital sourcebook/textbook for high school U.S. History. Developed roadmap for next-generation digital textbook platform.

Consultant – – 2007-2008
Created various Open Educational Resources; Developed quality review system; Mentored OER developers through Creative Commons’ Summer of Content program.

Board Member – Road of Life: Cancer Prevention for Kids – 2006-2010
Member of board of directors for Columbus, OH nonprofit organization that develops open source elementary health curriculum.

Founder and Chairman – Teachers’ Lounge Wiki and TeachForward – 2005-2008
Created one of the first curriculum sharing wikis; Featured in The New York Times, Christian Science Monitor, NEA Today, and School Library Journal; Winner of Pitch for Change elevator pitch competition at Harvard Business School.

Research and Development

Research Assistant and Postdoctoral Scholar – Understanding Language – 2011-2013
Developing a website to help teachers address Common Core content-area standards with English Language Learners; Creating professional development materials; Formulating strategy for online community and educational resource-sharing. Assisted Prof. Kenji Hakuta.

Research Assistant - Teaching for Tomorrow Today – 2011-2012
Interviewed teachers about project-based learning, educational technology, and 21st century skills; Analyzed interviews; Wrote for publication. Assisted Prof. Shelley Goldman.

Research Assistant – Teaching with Primary Sources – 2009-2011
Developed cognitively-based formative assessments for high school history teachers. Piloted assessments in high-school classrooms. Coordinated development of website to display these resources. ( Project directed by Sam Wineburg as part of the Library of Congress’s Teaching with Primary Sources program.

Research Assistant – National History Education Clearinghouse – 2008
Wrote history content for Conducted usability research with teachers. Project led by Sam Wineburg with funding from by the Teaching American History program.

Teaching and Research Interests

History and social studies education; Curriculum theory; Value and values in learning; Digital citizenship and participatory democracy; Online teacher community; Digital textbooks and curriculum; Public history and sociology; American pragmatism

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